Complete range of nutrition and organic supplements
Fertilisers and soil improvers
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The Terra Aquatica range, which can be used in organic farming in accordance with (EU) regulations n°2018/848 and 2021/1165, offers high-performance organic nutrition and supplement solutions, adapted to the needs of demanding growers, both amateur and professional. Designed to combine simplicity and efficiency, it includes two fertilizer packs: a liquid fertilizer and a powder fertilizer, lightweight and easy to transport.
Our range is also distinguished by a rich selection of natural and biostimulant supplements that promote healthy, balanced crop development. Among these products, the root biostimulant strengthens rooting, while the flowering and fruiting biostimulant optimizes plant yield. Our supplements also include fulvic acid, natural silica powder, and plant extracts such as nettle purin and cold-pressed seaweed. Together, these solutions enable a respectful and sustainable approach to fertilization, for healthy, high-quality crops.
Sectors concerned
ArboricultureVegetable cropsHorticulture and nurseriesNouvelles culturesPPAM (Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales)Seeds and seedlings
Link to detailed product presentation
Information on certifications and procedures (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the Organic Repertoire is validated by the Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture)
Répertoire Bio
Référencé dans le Répertoire BIOMatière fertilisante / Engrais / Amendements (« Utilisable en Bio » mentionné sur fiche technique & facture)