For market gardening, the most used products are ALLIANCE ITF, HP Climat and those from the Simple Plant Extracts range.

For market gardening, the most used products are ALLIANCE ITF, HP Climat and those from the Simple Plant Extracts range.

Biocontrol products
For market gardening, the most used products are ALLIANCE ITF, HP Climat and those from the Simple Plant Extracts range.
For market gardening, the most used products are ALLIANCE ITF, HP Climat and those from the Simple Plant Extracts range.


Sectors concerned
ArboricultureCider MakingMushroom growingVegetable cropsHorticulture and nurseriesNouvelles culturesPPAM (Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales)Seeds and seedlingsWinegrowing

Information on certifications and procedures (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the Organic Repertoire is validated by the Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture)

Répertoire Bio
Référencé dans le Répertoire BIOPesticides / Produits phytopharmaceutiques (« Utilisable en Bio » mentionné sur fiche technique & facture)
Organic Directory description
For market gardening, the most used products are:_x000D_ - ALLIANCE ITF, a universal market gardening solution to induce better resistance to pests._x000D_ - HP CLIMAT, a solution to better resist abiotic stress (late cold, heatwave and drought)._x000D_ - Those from the range of Simple Plant Extracts (more than 60 plants such as nettle, horsetail, willow, garlic, algae, thyme, meadowsweet, etc.).
Descriptif entreprise (précisez en quoi l'activité de votre entreprise est utile à l'Agriculture Biologique)
Created in 2019 in Ardèche (France) by its director, Laurent STRELOW, L'Herbier PHYLAE ® develops, manufactures and markets solutions made with plant extracts for bio-stimulating use for all types of agricultural crops (viticulture, olive growing, cereals, market gardening, arboriculture etc.) with a Zero Pesticide Residue objective. Products usable in conventional, organic and biodynamic agriculture.

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