

Sectors concerned
ArboricultureVegetable cropsHorticulture and nurseriesNouvelles culturesPPAM (Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales)Seeds and seedlingsWinegrowing

Information on certifications and procedures (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the Organic Repertoire is validated by the Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture)

Répertoire Bio
Référencé dans le Répertoire BIOPesticides / Produits phytopharmaceutiques (« Utilisable en Bio » mentionné sur fiche technique & facture)
Organic Directory description
The BACTOMYCOR P product is an organic biostimulant enriched with mycorrhizae and nitrogen-fixing bacteria from the soil. BACTOMYCOR P pellets make it possible to inoculate the plant rhizosphere with microorganisms, improve root prospecting and the exploitation of soil mineral resources by mineralizing organic matter. This product provides better resistance to drought and climatic stress while promoting the growth of your plant.
Descriptif entreprise (précisez en quoi l'activité de votre entreprise est utile à l'Agriculture Biologique)
For 20 years, IF TECH has employed scientists to develop innovative and natural solutions for plant protection and nutrition. We are committed to providing you with biosolutions. We offer products based on mycorrhizae regarding biostimulants and biocontrol products with our insect, chrysoperla lucasina.

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