e - gleek

e - gleek

Biocontrol products
e - gleek
e - gleek


Sectors concerned
ArboricultureCider MakingMushroom growingVegetable cropsHorticulture and nurseriesNouvelles culturesPPAM (Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales)Seeds and seedlingsWinegrowing

Information on certifications and procedures (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the Organic Repertoire is validated by the Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture)

Répertoire Bio
Référencé dans le Répertoire BIOMatériel agricole / Autres prestations de service (Matériel / Prestation adapté(e) pleinement à l’AB, et présentant une innovation)
Organic Directory description
e_x000D_ GLEEK® is a connected trap for farmers This technology_x000D_ aims to reduce the systematic spreading of phyto_x000D_ treatments in crops_x000D_ e_x000D_ GLEEK® allows an analysis of the number of insects_x000D_ trapped on a glueboard or in a bowl of pheromones_x000D_ (specific solution to rapeseed fields) The trap is universal_x000D_ and can be used to survey different types of crops including_x000D_ orchards, vineyards, vegetable, but also greenhouses In_x000D_ case of a massive arrival of insects, the system send_x000D_ automatically an alert which is sent to the recorded user's_x000D_ telephone and/or email address_x000D_ e_x000D_ GLEEK® helps farmers to apply a treatment at the time of_x000D_ day when insects are most active_x000D_ The application of pesticides is then reduced
Descriptif entreprise (précisez en quoi l'activité de votre entreprise est utile à l'Agriculture Biologique)
BRC 'supports agriculture and crop monitoring in order to identify, size and prevent infestations thanks to its insect counting and identification system, the trap manager. It allows the positioning of authorized phytosanitary treatments in the Organic agriculture at the most efficient times.

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