Fertilisers and soil improvers


SUPRAFOLIA is an innovative biostimulant specifically formulated to boost the vigor, productivity, quality and shelf-life of leafy vegetables. It combines a phytogenic core adapted to these crops with silicon and a complex of finely-dosed nutritional elements, guaranteeing total bioavailability and immediate assimilation by plants. Biodevas Laboratoires' expertise in oxidative stress management enables SUPRAFOLIA to act at the heart of plant cells. By specifically regulating enzymatic activity, it stimulates the production of primary antioxidants, essential for limiting damage caused by environmental stresses such as light deficits, cold, salinity, phenological transitions, chemical stress or nutritional deficiencies. This targeted action preserves crop vitality while improving growth and yields. The use of SUPRAFOLIA offers many benefits to crops: - Reduce oxidative stress at cellular level. - Improved leaf formation and uniformity. - Enhance resistance to phytotoxicity. - Increase crop quality and weight. SUPRAFOLIA fits perfectly into programs to reduce chemical inputs, thus contributing to more sustainable agriculture. It can be applied by fertilizing irrigation or foliar spraying, with no risk of clogging or wear on equipment. Fully bioavailable and compatible with conventional and organic farming practices, SUPRAFOLIA adapts to conventional technical itineraries, offering a natural and effective solution for optimizing the performance of leafy vegetables. Finally, SUPRAFOLIA is CE marked PFC7, authorizing its use throughout Europe.
Sectors concerned
Vegetable crops
Link to detailed product presentation

Information on certifications and procedures (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the Organic Repertoire is validated by the Pays de la Loire Regional Chamber of Agriculture)

Certifications and procedures
Usable in Organic AgricultureMade in France
Nature of the certifications, labels and initiatives undertaken
SUPRAFOLIA is CE-marked PFC7, authorizing its use throughout Europe. Certified for use in organic farming in accordance with EU regulation N°2018 / 848.

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