Insect-proof net - Filbio®

Insect-proof net - Filbio®

Crop protection
Insect-proof net - Filbio®
Insect-proof net - Filbio®


The range of Filbio® insect protection netting is suitable for all types of installations and all crops. Our different models offer various durabilities (from 1 to 3 seasons), multiple geometries responding to the size of pest insects and also to ecological issues with a bio-compostable version in bio-sourced PLA material.
Sectors concerned
ArboricultureVegetable cropsHorticulture and nurseriesPPAM (Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales)Seeds and seedlings

Innovative character of the product, equipment or service (declaration under the responsibility of the exhibitor, only the information related to SIVAL Innovation is validated by the organization if necessary)

Domaine(s) d'innovation
Santé des plantes, sol, et supports de culture
Innovative character of the product, equipment or service
Filbio® 839 est un filet de protection en matériau bio-sourcé PLA. Ce produit est ainsi compostable industriellement (NF EN 13432).
Solution to the challenges of the agro-ecological transition
Alternative to phyto-pharmaceutical productsWaste reduction

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