Optimising the Efficacy of Biocontrol Products: how artificial intelligence can help in the choice and best positioning of products.

Optimising the Efficacy of Biocontrol Products: how artificial intelligence can help in the choice and best positioning of products.

Forum du Biocontrôle / Santé des plantes
Protection des cultures et biocontrôle


The complexity of biocontrol products and their effectiveness, which is intrinsically connected to the agronomic and climatic context, is a major challenge in terms of the agronomic performance of crop management. Sustainable agriculture increasingly relies on the use of biocontrol products to reduce environmental impact and guarantee high-quality agricultural production. However, to maximise the effectiveness of these products, it is essential to support farmers in the right choice and strategic positioning of biocontrol solutions. To ensure that farmers adopt them effectively, it is necessary to identify the best conditions of application and the optimum combinations of products in a specific farming management. This involves considering the diversity of modes of action specific to each product and aggregating them in a consistent way in the particular agronomic context. This complex and time-consuming task for farmers can be supported by a decision-support tool that can analyse its agronomic context. This presentation will explore the key importance of support in the farmer's decision-making process, highlighting how analysis of agronomic and climatic parameters can guide the choice of biocontrol products and their optimal positioning. Ultimately, the maximum effectiveness of biocontrol solutions lies in understanding the factors governing their efficacy, whether they are linked to biosolutions, environmental parameters, cropping practices or target issues.
Interprétation simultanée en anglais
ArboricultureCidricultureCulture du champignonCultures légumièresHorticulture et PépinièresPPAM (Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales)Semences et PlantsViti-VinicultureNouvelles cultures
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Type of broadcast / Simultaneous interpretation
In-person at SIVALSimultaneous interpretation FR / GBIn replay after SIVAL


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PDG / Gérant(e) / Directeur(trice) généralSYNDEV

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