Concours Sival Innovation : Douar Den - Bio Plants présente la Pomme de terre Byzance

Sival Innovation contest
Varietal innovation


A potato variety created by organic farmers for organic farmers. In this way, farmers regain a measure of control over varietal selection and ownership of the genetic material. As a specific player in the organic sector, Douar Den has innovated with the Byzance variety.

Thanks to its resistance to disease and abiotic stress, it meets the demands of organic farming and consumers by limiting the use of inputs.

It has low susceptibility to disease, particularly leaf blight, tuber blight and scab. A productive, medium-early variety, it ensures producers a regular yield.

Its regular oblong tubers with yellow skin and flesh are uniform, with an attractive appearance.

It is resistant to shocks and has a long shelf life.

Byzance combines hardiness with excellent organoleptic qualities.

It is versatile and fits all culinary niches.

It is a tasty potato ideal for purées, soups, chips and gratin dishes.

It stays firm and does not darken after cooking.

At DOUAR DEN, our aim is to select and identify varieties that are suitable for organic farming, factor in the complexities of this cultivation method and ensure security for the producer.

Vegetable Crops
Concours SIVAL Innovation
Categories of the SIVAL Innovation competition
Varietal Innovation
Concours SIVAL Innovation
SIVAL SIlver medal

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