Concours SIVAL Innovation : Nunhems et BASF présente L'oignon Sunions

Sival Innovation contest
Varietal innovation


No more tears with Sunions®! Sunions® is the first yellow onion variety that addresses the number one consumer disincentive in the onion category: crying when chopping up onions. Because Sunions® does not make you cry when cutting or cooking it. As well as overcoming this major offputting aspect, Sunions® also ticks the boxes of current consumer trends: enjoyment, with its high organoleptic quality (a distinctly sweet yellow onion taste and a crunchy texture), and its highly versatile use in home cooking (equally good raw or cooked). All these assets help Sunions® to boost sales of the onion category in shops and for producers. The result of 30 years’ research, the Sunions® variety is a long day onion that also meets production requirements (yield and storage quality).

Vegetable Crops
Concours SIVAL Innovation
Categories of the SIVAL Innovation competition
Varietal Innovation
Concours SIVAL Innovation
SIVAL Bronze medal

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