Essential plant health for agro-ecological transition

Essential plant health for agro-ecological transition


This conference will present the challenge of knowing and understanding how pathogens responsible for diseases on plants operate, how to evaluate the resistance of varieties. The problem of emerging diseases such as ToBRFV will be at the heart of the discussions.o

  • 10:30-10:35 am Welcome introduction and moderation
    by Valérie Grimault, director of the GEVES pathology laboratory  
  • 10:35- 10:45 am How to assess plant resistance to bioaggressors
    Sophie Perrot, head of variety resistance tests to pests at GEVES.
  • 10:50-11:00 Organic farming, alternative treatment solutions, what consequences for the Sanitary Quality of seeds
    Isabelle Sérandat, head of seed sanitary quality analysis at GEVES.
  • 11:00-11:40 am Emerging diseases, what solutions for ToBRFV  
    • The history of this virus, how it emerged, the surveillance of the territory and the beginnings of solutions with resistant varieties by Pascal Gentil from ANSES
    • Organisation of ToBRFV  and other emerging bioagressors surveillance.... by Claire Goillon, in charge of experimentation at APREL (Association provençale de recherche et d'expérimentation légumière - Provence Association for vegetable research and experimentation) 
    • Video showing how to detect and assess resistance to ToBRFV, by Geoffrey Orgeur, research project manager at the GEVES pathology laboratory
  • 11h45-12h15 panel discussion facilitated by Valérie Grimault. The panelists will talk of examples of current projects on other species. 
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