Effectiveness of alternative ways of combating pests and diseases in vegetable crops
Several experimental stations specialising in vegetable crops will present the results of trials evaluating alternative means of control (to synthetic plant protection products) against pests or diseases that have a particular impact on crops. Several issues will be raised for crops grown in the open field, under cover, in soil and soilless.
1) Management of bacterial blight and downy mildew for field-grown melons with biocontrol products
Trials conducted by Acpel
2) Rhizoctonia management in potatoes with biocontrol products
Trials conducted by Acpel
3) Aphid management on field salad with several techniques: anti-insect nets, biocontrol products, and repellent plants
Trials conducted by the Pôle Légumes région Nord, Caté and Terre d'Essais
4) Management of whiteflies and aphids on aubergines grown in soil, under cover with trapping, auxiliaries, and biocontrol solutions
Trials conducted by Aprel, Grab and Invenio
5) Management of aphids on strawberries grown soilless with companion plants to favour the installation of auxiliaries
Trials conducted by Invenio, Aprel